As the plane soared through the skies, the pilot adjusted the throttle and prepared for a long night shift ahead. He had just flown past Timpas and was en route to Thatcher, a routine journey for the skilled pilot. He was proud to be flying the most advanced aircraft in the entire airline.
As the hours passed, the pilot grew tired and struggled to stay awake. Suddenly, he noticed a figure on the wing of the plane, a beautiful woman with long red-gold hair and wonderful blue eyes. He was shocked and sounded the alarm to warn the woman to get away from the aircraft. It was then that he realized the woman was a ghost!
The ghostly figure disappeared moments before the plane flew through her. To the pilot’s surprise, she then appeared in the cockpit next to him, surrounded by the scent of roses. He was bewitched by her beauty and her enticing smile, and she wrapped her ghostly arms around his neck and kissed him. Then, just as suddenly, she was gone.
Stunned and dazed, the pilot forgot to make the scheduled stop at the next airport. His co-pilot had to pour water on his head to bring him back to reality.
The pilot decided not to share his story with anyone, fearing for his job. However, his curiosity got the better of him, and he confided in a fellow pilot, a close friend. To his surprise, the friend had heard of the ghostly figure before. She was known to appear to the pilots flying over that particular stretch of the sky, beckoning to them with her bewitching smile. No one knew who she had been in life.
The friend warned the pilot not to tell his wife about the incident. And so the pilot kept the story to himself, but he always remembered the ghostly figure who had appeared on his plane.