“10 Men,” they called him, a ramp agent so true Efficiency his hallmark, his work always anew For a Canadian airline, he toiled day and night Load and unload planes with speed and delight
He’d smile and he’d wave, his work never done A mission to serve, his goal was to have fun Every passenger and colleague knew his name For he was the one who put their worries to shame
One day a flight was delayed, the passengers all stressed But “10 Men” stepped in, his skills put to the test He worked like a machine, loading cargo with ease And soon the plane was ready, with all its needs
The passengers cheered, the captain grateful too “10 Men” had done it, his work was now due News spread like wildfire, his name far and wide A legend was born, his legacy a pride
“10 Men,” they say, a symbol of might Efficiency and passion, shining so bright A ramp agent no more, but his name still lives on Inspiring others, a story never gone.