Angus was a man of many talents, and one of his passions was playing the drums in a local Scottish highlanders band. In his spare time, he could often be found rehearsing with his fellow musicians, pounding out lively Scottish tunes on his drum kit.
Despite his love for Toronto and his job at the airport, Angus often found himself missing the food and culture of his homeland. He missed the hearty haggis dishes that his mother used to make, and he longed for the rolling hills and misty forests of Scotland.
As the years went by, Angus began to feel a bit homesick. He missed the sound of the bagpipes in the distance and the way that his fellow Scotsmen would speak in their thick, lilting accents. He often found himself quoting old Scottish proverbs, such as “A scabby sheep is better than no sheep at all” or “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.”
Despite his homesickness, Angus remained dedicated to his job at the airport. He knew that he was an important part of the team, and he was determined to do his best for his colleagues and the passengers who passed through the terminal.
But as the years went by, Angus couldn’t help but dream of the day when he could return to Scotland and be reunited with his family and friends. And so, when he received the invitation to be a groomsman in his niece’s wedding, he knew that it was the perfect opportunity to go home and celebrate with his loved ones.
With a heavy heart but a happy spirit, Angus said his goodbyes to Toronto and set off for Scotland, ready to start a new chapter in his life. As he boarded the plane, he knew that he would always carry a piece of Canada with him, no matter where he went. And he hoped that one day, he would be able to return to Toronto and continue doing the work he loved so much.