“Farewell to the DC-9”

The DC-9’s time has passed, Retired from the fleet at last. After thirty-five years of service true, It’s time to bid this plane adieu.

In the jet age it took flight, A workhorse of the short-haul market bright. With low operating costs and frequent flights, It brought the jet age to new heights.

The DC-9-14’s seating small, But its range was limited, that’s all. The DC-9-32 came next in line, With more seats and a high-lift design.

This plane proved quite popular, it’s said, Airlines appreciated its performance and its economic spread. Manually flown, with no computers in sight, Captain Martin Herron flew it with all his might.

Now it’s time for the DC-9 to rest, But its legacy will stand the test. A faithful servant it has been, We’ll miss it, but its time has now been.

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