Once upon a time, at a busy airport, there was a rookie employee named Bob who was asked by his boss to fetch the key to a DC-9. Bob was a little nervous because he had only been working at the airport for a few weeks and he wasn’t sure where the key was kept. But he didn’t want to let his boss down, so he set off on his mission.
He searched high and low, but he couldn’t find the key anywhere. He asked all of his co-workers for help, but no one seemed to know where it was. Just as he was about to give up, he remembered that he had seen the key hanging on a hook in the maintenance room. So he rushed back to the maintenance room and grabbed the key.
As he was running back to the plane, he saw the pilot pacing back and forth, looking very anxious. Bob handed the key to the pilot and explained that he had been searching for it everywhere.
The pilot looked at the key and then at Bob, and burst out laughing. “This isn’t the key to the plane, it’s the key to the janitor’s closet!” he said, between chuckles. “There is no such thing as a key to start a modern commercial airplane. Most airplanes have an electrical start system that uses a starter motor to turn the engine over and begin the combustion process. The starter motor is usually activated by pressing a button or flipping a switch in the cockpit.”
Bob’s face turned red with embarrassment as the pilot handed the key back to him and told him to try again. But despite the mishap, Bob didn’t let it get him down. He learned his lesson and made sure to double-check everything from then on. And eventually, he became one of the airport’s most reliable employees.