A love for service, a passion to please, We are the ticket agents, the heart of Air Canada’s ease. With every booking and every check-in, We strive to make your journey begin.
We hear your troubles and we understand, We work to make your travel plans go as planned. We offer solutions and go the extra mile, To make your experience with us worthwhile.
We smile through the stress and keep calm in the fray, For the love of helping you is what drives us each day. We’ll answer your questions, assist with your needs, For you, our valued customer, are always our main priority indeed.
With every flight that takes off and every plane that lands, We know we’ve done our job with skillful hands. We are the customer service agents, the ticket agents of Air Canada, Loving every moment of helping you travel with ease and panache.
We are the gatekeepers, the ones who greet, With a warm welcome and a smile so sweet. We check your tickets, your passport and ID, Ensuring your safety and security.
We are the ones who make sure you’re on time, For your departure and your connecting flight. We keep track of the weather, the delays and the gates, So that your journey with us never awaits.
We are the ones who make your trip a delight, With our knowledge, our patience and our insight. We are the ticket agents, the customer service team, A vital part of Air Canada’s dream.
We love our job, and we love our airline, For it gives us the opportunity to make your journey shine. We’ll be here for you, from start to end, Providing the best service, again and again.
So when you fly with Air Canada, remember us, The ones who make your trip a fuss-free plus. We’ll be here to help, to guide, to care, For the love of serving you is what we share.